World Digital Center

Solved a Smallest Problem or Start a Small Startup and Get the Money is Better then Doing Job & Getting Salary.

– Be Muhammad, Founder of World Digital Center

7 Days Training with Live Q N A & Interactive Session

100+ Startup Ideas in 10+ Most Popular Industries

Get Ebook (How Start a Startup in Your Country) - By WDC

Get Certificate After Completion 7 Days Training


Why You Should Learn with WDC For How to Start a Startup..??

let’s suppose you would learn everything about how to start a startup from any institute, university or any individual person there subjects like problem solving ideas, product development, team building or perfect execution but what after next..?? what about executions & Networks….??
Do you think what they give reply to you… maybe they suggest some of the private companies or non profit organizations and some of the individuals said that I DON” T HAVE ANY EXPERTISE, I’m OUT.
But we’re not only gives the guidelines but also gives a biggest network and help to execute your startup for the future.

What Should You Know About Start a Startup..??

You Should Keep in Your Mind Below the Highlights, When You Start a Startup :-

1) Start a Startup is not a Game, It’s a Race where a lot of competitors are running with you and there’s no any Dead lines, you should keep running until a stop arrives.

2) Solve the real problems in the market as already some problems solved Countries biggest giants Ex: Jio, Uber and Other E-Commerce Startups.

3) Innovation is the biggest way to pivot your business at the Crucial time.

4) Your Services is to Convenient for users, client & companies to use and access everything what they wants. (like Google Products & Services)

5) As We said it’s not a game, it’s a long race, you should keep equity in your hands, utilize your funds and sustain your business in any critical stages.

What You Would Learn

How To Find a Problem Finding Ideas:

find the Problems in your interest base industries like you love E-commerce industry then find the problem in e-commerce industry.

Market Research :

identify business oppurtunities, Target Audience, Competitors in your country and global, Price Structure etc.

Build a Perfect Product :

the process of strategizing, brainstorming, planning, building, and releasing a product to market and then measuring its success.

How to Build a UVP :

what unique values you’re providing to the customers and clients which is no one can doing today in the market.

Think About Your Vision & Mission :

Once you’ll find the problem according to them you should clerify your startup vision and mission, else without vision or mission you never achieve your goal even raise a millions of dollar funding.

How to Build a Small and Strong Team :

Small but mighty teams are made up of honest and dependable people who do the right thing because it’s what you’re supposed to do.

Initial Funds Management :

at the initial stages you have a small funds like $5000 to $10000 for next to 3 to 6 months working cycle

Execute & Scale :

we need to work 90 days for a singular product if it is working (like people love this product or service then only we go ahead or if it’s not working properly then after 90 days we’ll change our strategy for different method, and don’t work for 12 months in a year we have only 4 months in a year (jan to march, April to june, july to sep and oct to dec

Who Should Enroll this Program

Well, this program is for everyone because whatever industry you work in, you should know how a startup works. We Expect,


Students who want to
run their own part-time venture and get hands-on experience.

Aspiring Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs who want
more guidance in terms of finance, team building,
product launch,customer acquisition and sales, for their startup.

Working Professionals

Working Professionals
who wish to start up
but are unsure which
idea to work on, and
what the journey entails.


who want to scale their knowledge and transform their solopreneur ship into a
larger organisation.


8 Chapters

“Launch your startup journey with our 8-chapter course, packed with essential insights and expert guidance.”

7 Days Training & Per Day 2 Hours

“Jumpstart your startup journey with our 7-day course! 2 hours a day, all you need to launch your dream business.”

Live Q N A & Interactive Session

Start your startup with live Q&A and interactive sessions. Get expert advice and hands-on insights!

3 Bonuses Absolutely Free

Launch your startup with our expert course! Get key insights and 3 free bonuses to ensure your success.

Our Learners Words!

I appreciate your involvement and thank you for sharing the valuable & practical guidance
thru this program, I am sure that by participating in these 8 modules (sessions) I have now a clear idea how to move forward. – Daniel

The program was very informative and concise. To the point practical knowledge was shared throughout the this Learning. Your method of using Uber Example was very helpful to understand the concept with
great clarity. – Nathan

Must say, that WDC is a Pure Gem! It has opened up my thought process to a much larger extent and has enriched me with the know-how of Starting Up. Totally recommended! – Kayla

This is just a Thanks Note to appreciate your efforts of knowledge sharing. In my view, knowingly or unknowingly, you are actually creating hundreds of Ankur Warikoo around the world. Not sure if you feel a Sense of Liberation at this stage of time but I see you there already. India or honestly the world needs real-life role models like yourself in every field. – madison

I got to know so many new aspects of startup world. I wish I could have purchased and watched this course before starting my startup. My startup idea is not fit anywhere as per framework suggested by you. I could not started my startup and could have saved money and efforts. I have learned that I should not venture into something before taking full understanding and learning of the same. Investing in education can prevent making losses. This Course is 10x
value for money. – Rachel

The course is really genuine and is clearly felt the hardwork and home work you have put in bringing this. Course is well structured, a full crash course and an eye opener for people with ideas to escape some of the common pitfalls. I really liked your opening and closing statement to think about why do you want to be an entrepreneur. I have the answer to that and figuring out the answer to when. – Jasmine

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